Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Good Sugars For Diabetics

Diabetes is quickly becoming an epidemic in the United States. The Center for Disease Control states that in each 24 hour period: 2800 new diabetics are diagnosed 550 die from diabetes related complaints 240 have major amputations 150 have kidney failure 70-75 go blind

Diabetes simply means that the glucose in your blood has reached excessive levels. Symptoms include: chronic hunger, chronic thirst, unexplained weight loss, circulation problems, neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy, and hypertension.

When a person eats sugars the pancreas releases insulin. Insulin is responsible for utilizing sugar in our body. If you ingest more sugar than your body can produce insulin for, over time your body becomes inefficient at metabolizing the sugar. If your pancreas is damaged (example - coxsackie virus) it will be unable to produce enough insulin to metabolize the sugars you ingest. Diabetes is a progressive disease and is not something to be taken lightly.

We can actually prevent and reverse disease. The National Institutes of Health states that 58% decrease in diabetes can be achieved by lifestyle changes alone! Avoid high glycemic foods, exercise, nutritional supplements are a few of the things we can do to help protect ourselves.

Healing Sugars

Glycobiology is the study of a group of saccharides (sugars) called glyconutrients that are essential to proper cellular function. New research has revealed the fact that these biologically active sugars are critical for the transfer of all biological data between each of our 600 trillion cells. Every cell in our body communicates by utilizing a Braille-like alphabet of eight glyconutrients. If a person is missing any of these necessary sugars their cells cannot communicate properly.

Glyconutrients serve as the body's intercellular messengers to communicate all that is required for proper function of each and every individual cell. For this cell-to-cell communication, cells use at least eight specific carbohydrates to "speak" to each other. As your cells touch each other, they communicate over this "sugar code" everything a cell needs: nutrition, repair, hormones, etc. Without these sugars, your body's "operating system" breaks down. If you are deficient in any one of these glyconutrients your cells are not able to properly exchange information, which may result in a miscommunication and dysfunction, making the cell susceptible to disease. Example: if your immune system mistakenly attacks your own cells, then you have an autoimmune disease.
Tip! Middle aged diabetics also develop tears of the rotator cuff and this can lead to a secondary frozen shoulder. Rotator cuff is group of tendons on top of the shoulder which help to stabilize the joint.

The most important nutrient is the one that is missing. The only way to be sure you are getting all eight of the sugars is to supplement your diet with a glyconutrient complex. No combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbals, or any other nutrient can replace the necessary saccharides found in glyconutritionals.

Glyconutritional Intervention in Diabetes

In a study of 32 diabetics who added glyconutritionals to their diet 97% reported improvement in symptoms. 44% were able to reduce their need for medications and 13% were able to come off meds completely. Please note that we make no claim for cure or healing diabetes. However when you supply what the body is missing, the body has the amazing ability to repair itself.
Tip! Herbs may be used as part of a natural cure for diabetics and include licorice, yarrow, Canadian fleabane and Jerusalem artichoke.

To learn more about glyconutrients go to these web sites:



To receive a complimentary report: "Benefits of Glyconutritionals" e-mail Dr. Enders at dr.dkenders@sbcglobal.net and put glyconutrients in subject line.

Dr. David K. Enders is a 1973 graduate of the Palmer College of Chiropractic. He served four years in the U.S. Air Force as a medic before entering college. Dr. Enders has studied nutrition for 30 years and has had several articles on nutrition published in professional journals. After completing a Clinical Teaching Residency at Palmer College of Chiropractic he moved to the Chicago area, where he now provides nutritional counseling. His web site is: http://www.OptimalHealth.TopChiro.com.

Health Insurance for Diabetics

Recently, I've had a lot of requests for an alternative to health insurance for diabetics. The case of one gentleman, in particular, has lingered on my mind.

The man who I will refer to as "Bob" has what is called Type II, or Late Onset Diabetes. My own dad has this condition as well, so I am aware of the tremendous health struggles and monetary cost that can come as a result.

One fortunate thing for Daddy is that he was well covered with health insurance long before he became ill. Bob was not so lucky. He had no type of coverage at all when he received the surprise diagnosis of diabetes.

Do you know that once a doctor has made a chart note, or included a lab result in your chart, suggesting that your blood sugar is high (or that you are "pre-diabetic") your odds of being able to obtain a reasonably priced health insurance plan plummet?

That was the case with Bob, who had been "getting by" paying for his glucose meter, testing strips, and diabetic supplies out of his own pocket. This had been a burden on Bob's bank account, which was in its own state of recovery following a divorce, but he was getting back on his feet in mid January.

When I mentioned an alternative to health insurance for diabetics, Bob was relieved and thrilled, and asked me to give him a call on pay day so that he could get started. The great news about these alternatives is that they cover all ongoing medical problems, even if the doctor has written a definite diagnosis in the chart.

Sadly, when I reached Bob on his cell phone, Bob was not in a position to talk long. He had been at Bible Study the previous evening when he'd gone into insulin shock. The men in his group had responded quickly and Bob had been taken to the hospital, where he expected to remain for 2 to 3 more days to recover.
Tip! Middle aged diabetics also develop tears of the rotator cuff and this can lead to a secondary frozen shoulder. Rotator cuff is group of tendons on top of the shoulder which help to stabilize the joint.

I can only imagine what the EMT, hospital, and doctor charges will add up to for such an emergency. It breaks my heart to know that because he narrowly missed getting signed up for an alternative to health insurance for diabetics, Bob will be paying the entire amount out of his own pocket.
Tip! More Information about Life Insurance For Diabetics and Diabetic Life Insurance.

It especially concerns me to know that there are so many diabetics (and undiagnosed folks who have the condition and may suddenly experience diabetic symptoms) who have no coverage.

Not only does diabetes require testing supplies, possible prescription medication and/or insulin; it comes with the threat of emergency hospital admission for something like insulin shock. Worse yet ... diabetes brings with it a whole host of possible serious health consequences.

My own dad has suffered numerous complications of his diabetes, even though he and my mother took the condition seriously from the beginning and altered his lifestyle accordingly. I shudder to think what would have become of my parents when my dad began having strokes, if they had not been covered with health insurance prior to his diabetes diagnosis.

You see, even if a person is able to get insurance coverage for diabetics after they are diagnosed with the condition, a traditional insurance company will generally have a lengthy waiting period before they will pay anything for diabetes treatment OR for other conditions which they can cite as possibly related to or caused by the diabetes.
Tip! A manipulation is contraindicated when a x ray reveals that the bone is very osteoporotic. It is also contra indicated in diabetics as more exuberant scar tissue will form in response to the crude method.

If in reading the diabetes information I've provided on my website, you think that you or someone you love is at risk for having or getting diabetes, I urge you to make certain you or they have or obtain health insurance today.

I understand that many of us would have a difficult time paying for traditional health insurance - especially on short notice - however that truly would be your best course of action.

If traditional insurance coverage is out of reach, the next best option is to sign up for an inexpensive health discount program. These plans provide appreciable discounts on care associated with diabetes.

Additionally, at least one of the discount programs provides a hospital advocate to each member so that any costs over $2,500 are negotiated down to wholesale, and payment arrangements are worked out.

If you or someone you love has already been diagnosed with diabetes, it is all the more important to obtain health insurance immediately. While it may not pay toward anything related to the diabetes until a waiting period has passed, at least that waiting period could be going by now, making coverage available should any complications occur in the future.

The American Diabetes Association website (http://www.diabetes.org/home.jsp) has all sorts of great resources for diabetics. There you will find a state-by-state listing of insurance available to those who qualify as being in the individual state "risk pools".
Tip! One of the things that applicants fear in the case of insulin dependent type 1 diabetics is whether or not their insulin pump will prevent them from getting a life insurance policy. An insulin pump is actually a positive factor where life insurance underwriting is concerned because the client's insulin level is kept at a constant level.

The insurance available through your state, if you qualify, can be a lifesaver in the case of extremely costly diabetes related situations. The down side is that the deductible of these insurance plans can run in the thousands of dollars. One woman recently told me that her sister's plan in Illinois has a $5,000 deductible.

If possible, then, it would also be advisable to have a health discount program in addition to these state plans. The program would provide discounts on usual care and supplies for diabetes during the time before the deductible amount is met.

Don't underestimate the seriousness of diabetes, and don't put off the investigation of your options for health insurance for diabetics. If you find that insurance will not work for you, check into the new health discount plans which accept pre-existing conditions.

If you think you have the symptoms of diabetes, or if you have been looking for health insurance for diabetics; call me at 1-877-375-8494, or send your request for a complimentary brochure to brochure@4-health-benefits.com. Bev Van Engelen Brett has over 17 years experience working with patients as a health care technician, and now specializes in helping people obtain quality health and dental care at significant discounts. Visit her website http://www.4-health-benefits.com/ for details. If you wish to publish this article, it must be published in it's entirety along with active links and this resource box.

Glucose Meter for Diabetics - How to Use Them Correctly

Diabetes has become a major problem for the industrialised world. In 1985 around 30 million people world-wide had diabetes. 10 years later almost 135 million people had diabetes. The latest WHO estimate for the year 2000 is that 177 million people world-wide have diabetes with a change that this number will increase to at least 300 million by the year 2025. Diabetes-related death have been underestimated for a long time. No it is believed that ~4 million death a year can be correlated to diabetes. The costs for the health care system are enormous and it is estimated that 2-15% of the total annual health care budget are spent

It is therefore, crucial for every diabetic patient to self-monitor the glucose level in the blood. Sometimes this procedure is called 'SMBG' or ‘self-monitoring of blood glucose'.

Nowadays it is relatively easy to test for glucose. Hygenie is very important and before you do the reading you should wash your hand thoroughly first. It is recommended that hand are disinfected with alcohol. Then, take a sterile lancet and prick your finger tip. Place a small drop of blood on a test strip which is then placed in a glucose meter. You have to follow the instruction of the glucose meter carefully, as the procedure might change if you use different brands. The reading of the actual glucose content can be performed in different ways. Many new models and meter types are available. Where some meters read the amount of electricity that ‘travels' through the blood sample others may measure the reflection of light as this depends on the glucose level present in the blood. Within minutes the patient knows exactly what the glucose level is and can then decide to take further action if necessary.

Modern glucose meters can record glucose concentration in the blood over a broad range - from as low as 0 mg/dL to 600 mg/dL. It is important that you check with you manufacture instruction as different models may have different readings. Furthermore, pay attention what ‘type' of glucose you are monitoring, as meters can measure ‘whole blood glucose' level or just plasma glucose

Thomas H. is webmaster of submit-article.biz directory and has a strong interest in health-related topics. You may qualify for a free glucose meter. Check this at our site: http://www.submit-articles.biz/free-glucose-meter.html

Most Diabetics Suffer From Calluses

According to the American Diabetes Association National Fact Sheet, 2005:

• Diabetes is the #1 reason for non-traumatic limb amputations • 82,000 people lose a leg or foot to diabetes each year • The risk of leg amputations is 15-40 times greater for a person with diabetes

At the 2006 ADA Expo in Utah, The Educational Institute For Healthy Feet had its first booth and conducted a market survey of diabetic participants. We received responses from participants ages 5 to 82. Note the high number of respondents from the age group 51-60 as shown.

Age Percent of Respondents 61-70 18% 51-60 27% 41-50 18%

Being in the business of "healthy foot care," we are concerned about the risks people take by not treating common foot problems. In our survey, we concentrated on collecting data about foot calluses, cracks, and calluses with cracks. We found the survey to be quite astonishing considering the data from the American Diabetes Association relating to limb amputations and that 82,000 people are at risk annually.

Considering the statistics from our survey, information about the high risk of limb amputation from the ADA, and the fact that of the 185 people we surveyed 81% had some type of insurance, why were 64% of our respondents still suffering from calluses and/or cracks on their feet that are potentially life threatening? Drawing on 13 years of foot work experience, we propose the reasons may be:

1. Lack of education: The most common response is "I have dry skin and I should do something about it, but I do not know what to do." 2. Heredity. We often hear remarks like, "My family has always had problems with calluses and cracks, and there is nothing I can do about it" 3. Hopelessness. Another frequent explanation is, "I go to the doctor's office for treatments but the calluses just come back again"

Let's take a look at each of these reasons.

1. Lack of education. We had the opportunity to go with a client to her foot care appointment and we asked her doctor if he would participate in an experiment. Marie had been going to the same doctor for over 15 years with dry calluses and cracks. The doctor would wet down the calluses with a disinfecting solution and then use a scalpel to shave off the calluses. He would then wrap her feet in tape so that Marie could walk out of the office. This procedure was done every 4 to 6 weeks with the calluses always coming back. Marie said that the procedure was painful. She became allergic to the tape and was unable to continue having her feet wrapped. This meant that she was in pain every time she walked for at least 3 days after each procedure. With the doctor's consent, we decided to compare results of our foot treatment against that of the doctor's standard treatments. We took care of Marie's worse foot that had cracks and calluses. The doctor treated the other foot, which had only calluses. After 6 weeks and three callus treatments, the foot that the doctor had used the scalpel on was in worse condition than the foot that had a callus foot treatment. The doctor was amazed that the procedure and post-procedure were painless for the client. Interestingly, the doctor never instructed Marie to use moisturizing crèmes on her feet at home or any other type of home maintenance to help with her dry feet.
Tip! When I mentioned an alternative to health insurance for diabetics, Bob was relieved and thrilled, and asked me to give him a call on pay day so that he could get started. The great news about these alternatives is that they cover all ongoing medical problems, even if the doctor has written a definite diagnosis in the chart.

The statistics of our survey, with over 71% of the respondents suffering from calluses, and the 82,000 people who lose limbs annually to health-related amputation beg the question: why are not more diabetics seeking treatment from doctors?

2. Heredity. Some people claim that their families have always suffered from calluses, cracks, or dry feet. One of our clients, Ty, suffered from calluses most of his life. Because of the extreme calluses on his feet he was unable to try out for professional football. Although he was a great player in college, he was told that a team could not take on the liability of his feet. Ty's grandfather, father, uncle, sister, nephews, and daughters all suffer from the same problem—wherever their feet have pressure (the toes, the ball of the foot, the side of the foot, or the heels) calluses appear, sometimes up to ¼ inch thick resulting in great pain. Ty's father had surgery done in which a doctor cut the calluses and skin off almost to the bone. His feet were wrapped up and he had to stay off his feet for almost 6 months. The calluses came back. Although his doctors used scalpels, crèmes, and pills, the calluses always came back. We have been providing Ty with our special callus foot treatment with home maintenance and continued treatments and we continue to see marked improvement. When Marie's doctor saw pictures of Ty's feet he stated that his feet would be too difficult and that he would refer him to us.
Tip! Zinc, B Complex vitamins, copper and glutathione and a high intake of essential fatty acids are also part of a natural cure for diabetics. For your supplements find a high quality source you can trust.

Lori was another client who suffered from extreme callus buildup as did her sister and mother. After 3 treatments, the calluses and cracks were gone and now we are also treating her sister.

3. Hopelessness. It is understandable how; with 56% of clients that have gone to a doctor for a scalpel treatment and have had their calluses come back, finding a cure may seem like a lost cause. Our experience shows that when one cuts the skin or even shave off dry skin, the body reacts like it would to any other cut and starts to heal itself by growing replacement skin that is tougher and drier. If clients are not being instructed to have home maintenance or even to use a moisturizing crème on their feet, they will have reoccurring calluses and cracks.
Tip! If you think you have the symptoms of diabetes, or if you have been looking for health insurance for diabetics; call me at 1-877-375-8494, or send your request for a complimentary brochure to brochure@4-health-benefits.com.

There are amazing results happening daily—scalpels and blades, which are certainly dangerous for diabetics, are a thing of the past. The first and foremost issue is education for the client who has calluses or cracks needing immediate treatment. When we take care of the calluses, we can help diabetic clients on the road to walking with both feet again. Serious problems may starts with a small callus and can develop in to an open sore or ulcer. That is when there is the greatest likelihood for non-traumatic limb amputations. A healthy foot treatment alternative for calluses is now available with R3 Callus Foot Treatment. Let's end the needless cycle of calluses and cracks through education, prevention, and effective treatments.

Leesa Myers, CEO The Educational Institute For Healthy Feet, developer of the R3 Callus Foot Treatment, Founder of the NECA and UAEA associations, author, expert witness for the State of Utah, and long time educator is a dedicated advocate in the industry of helping people. http://www.HealthyFootCare.com or email to Leesa@HealthyFootCare.com

Diet and Exercise for Diabetics

The best way to fight diabetes is through lifestyle changes particularly by combining diet and exercise. This is not new. Diabetes researchers and other experts have always suggested lifestyle changes as the major weapon in fighting diabetes. Studies have shown that people can greatly reduce their chances of acquiring diabetes if they exercise and follow a healthy diet. Overweight individuals can reduce their risk of getting diabetes by more than 50 percent if they could loose at least 10 pounds.

This brings good news to individuals with a moderate or high risk of getting diabetes. It means that the changes that need to be implemented are not big and drastic. One needs only to employ some little changes in his or her lifestyle in order to prevent diabetes. This is so empowering for individuals since it means that they have control over the dreaded disease.

Obese and overweight individuals actually have less insulin receptors than people with normal weights. This explains why most people with diabetes are either overweight or obese. Excess fat makes an individual's body insensitive to insulin. This means that overweight individuals need more insulin than people with normal weight. This is why reducing weight would greatly lower an individual's chance of getting diabetes.

Diet change: one of the best way to fight diabetes

The key is to combine exercise with proper diet. Proper diet here not only refers to reducing calorie intake. It also means eating the right kind of food. One should avoid foods that are rich in fat particularly animal fat. They should also lessen their intake of red meat, dairy products and eggs. Processed and refined carbohydrates are big no-nos. These include refined sugar, white rice and white flour. Instead, one should consume whole grains like millet rice and unrefined rice (brown or red) and whole wheat.
Tip! Zinc, B Complex vitamins, copper and glutathione and a high intake of essential fatty acids are also part of a natural cure for diabetics. For your supplements find a high quality source you can trust.

There are foods that have an insulin-like effect in the body when consumed. Some examples of these are: cucumbers, garlic, soy, wheat germ, avocados, green beans, buckwheat, flaxseed oil, green vegetables (raw) and Brussels sprout. People who believe that they are at risk of getting diabetes must increase their consumption of these foods.

Intake of fiber can also greatly reduce the risk of diabetes. High fiber foods are usually low in sugar. Individuals with diabetes or at risk of getting diabetes cannot process sugar properly. Individuals who are at risk of getting diabetes are advised to increase their fiber intake by taking fiber supplements such as guar gum, psyllium, oat bran or glucomannan. They should also consume more vegetables, fruits, whole wheat products and whole grain products. Intake of white sugar and foods high with it must be cut. You must replace these foods with ones that have high fiber content.
Tip! Today, most people with diabetes are only treating the symptoms and not getting to the root of the problem. Furthermore, most medications given to diabetics are compounding problems instead of getting to the source.

People should also stay away from alcoholic drinks if they really want to avoid having diabetes. Alcohol decreases glucose tolerance especially in the elderly and those already at high risk of getting diabetes. Moreover, diabetics who consume even moderate quantities of alcoholic drinks have a great risk of damaging their eyes and nerves. Apart from alcoholic drinks, smoking must also be avoided to be safe from getting diabetes. Cigarettes increases the risk for heart disease, kidney problems and other health concerns connected to diabetes.

Heavy smokers are more likely to become diabetics than non-smokers. So if you are currently it is of your best interest to quit the habit. If you don't smoke then just don't pick up the habit.

Exercise protects you from diabetes

Both type 1 and 2 diabetes can be avoided and improved with a regular moderate exercise regimen. In fact, individuals with type 1 diabetes who exercise regularly require less insulin while healthy individuals who exercise regularly are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. This is because working out reduces the amount of body fat and thus improves the sensitivity of the body to insulin.
Tip! The other ingredient is the addition of two special minerals to your diet is also a little known natural treatment for diabetics that your health practitioner probably forgot to tell you about.

The exercises need not be strenuous. Simple aerobic activities like walking, running, swimming and cycling can greatly improve blood sugar levels. Exercise improves the utilization of glucose by the muscles involved. This effect can last up to more than two days. Blood fat profile and blood pressure which also affects diabetes also improves with regular exercise.

Individuals, especially those who are already diabetic, must monitor their blood sugar level when exercising. This is because exercise can either increase or decrease blood sugar. It is always advisable to ask your physician before going into an exercise program.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wan Ibrahim is the Webmaster of Health & Wellness Resources Center. Your source of reliable and fresh information on health and wellness.